Software Developer

A photo of me

Experienced software developer with a specialized emphasis on web and mobile development, adeptly using Angular and Java technologies to architect exceptional solutions. With strong problem-solving skills and proactive approach I integrate frontend and backend components to create seamless user experiences. This combined with effective communication and collaboration abilities, positions me as a versatile developer who thrives in team-oriented environments.

Work Experience

Software Developer at Berg Software

Berg Software operates as a distinguished outsourcing establishment, offering specialized development teams and comprehensive team extension solutions to prominent software enterprises. Within this framework, my principal duties encompass:

  • Develop, maintain, test and improve existing Java / Spring REST API services by reducing dependencies, refactoring with the usage of TDD making the application more robust and reliable.

  • Develop and maintain efficient APIs that are reliable, easy to maintain and catering to all internal and external client needs using the Neonbee framework.

Software Developer at Vlinde Transylvania

Rooted in Germany, Vlinde operates as a prominent web design agency that prioritizes elevating the customer experience within its service offerings. Highlighted below are several pivotal responsibilities in which I actively engaged:

  • Engage in the development, maintenance, and enhancement of current PHP / Laravel applications and services resulting in the creation of applications that are not only lighter, but also fortified in security and optimized for increased speed.

  • Architect and engineer scalable mobile applications utilizing Angular, the Ionic framework, and Firebase Services. This concerted effort yields a swift MVP meticulously aligned with customer requisites and poised for market deployment.

  • Build microservices and automation tools using Python and Docker.

Technical Skills

  • Java
    Spring, Vert.x,
  • Javascript
    Angular, Ionic, NodeJS,
  • DBMS
    MongoDB, MySQL,


  • Degree in Computational Mathematics
    Universidad JAUME I
  • Bachelor of Science
    IES Joan Coromines
    2011 - 2013


  • English
  • Romanian
  • Spanish